September 1, 2021

Five reasons to fall in love with calligraphy

Are you itching for something interesting to do but feel you’re just wasting away your evenings watching tv or scrolling through Instagram? I see you, and I get it. I’ve been there. But what if I told you that you could find a hobby that you will love, relaxes you and doesn’t break the bank?

Jenni teaching an in-person workshop

Here are THE TOP five reasons to fall in love with the calligraphy! Let me know in the comments below, which is your favourite! 

1. It is relaxing and therapeutic

The rhythm and movement of calligraphy has a way of completely capturing your attention. It allows for you to focus and zone out from the things around you. This can have a tremendous impact on your ability to rest, reducing your anxiety, and improving your mental health.  

Calligraphy can also be a creative outlet during a crisis. Many Calligraphy Box subscribers have told me that focusing on this beautiful art helped them through a bad divorce, serious illness or the death of a loved one. I will never forget receiving a message from a man who was subscribed while going through chemotherapy. The calming repetition of the practice sheets and the rhythmic movements of the pen and ink helped reduce his anxiety and calm his thoughts.  

Jenni Liandu writing calligraphy on envelopes

2. It’s useful

Calligraphy is a useful skill if you love entertaining or adding a personal touch to gifts or celebrations. The options are endless, especially if you are hosting a dinner party or making Christmas cards.  Calligraphy is handwritten so it is naturally something that your friends or family will cherish in these days of digital communication. I have found that even simply writing someone’s name or a favourite quote in calligraphy as a framed piece of art can be someone’s favourite gift!  

Happy borthday card written in calligraphy by Jenni Liandu

3. It’s a challenge

Choosing to challenge yourself to learn new things keeps life interesting and is one way to work your growth mindset muscle! Calligraphy is very approachable for anyone to learn. It also has so many different styles and techniques to keep you hooked for years. Many of my students have been amazed at the difference between their first and last practice sheet at the end of a two hour live workshop. I have personally become addicted to learning calligraphy because I keep chasing that thrill of seeing my own skills improve.

Wedding invitation envelopes written with spencerian calligraphy

4. You can save or make money

While most people who learn calligraphy do so for the sheer joy of it, there are some who have used their new skills to save or make money. If you are on Pinterest then you will have noticed that calligraphy is very popular for weddings. But because of its handwritten and custom nature, it doesn’t come cheap. If you are a bride or groom willing to learn calligraphy then you can save a LOT of money by adding your own calligraphy to your envelopes, place cards, or invites.

The same goes for hosting events, making gifts for friends or family or creating your own cards. When I started learning calligraphy, I posted some photos of my practice and what I was creating on Instagram. I started to get requests to make the same items available for purchase.  Before I knew it I had a profitable business that is now my full time job.   

5. It wont break the bank

Like any new activity, you can throw as much money into it as you want to. But all you really need is a pen, nib, ink, practice sheets and some instruction.

The Calligraphy Box is the best way to learn month to month and is great value for money too! A new beginners box comes with a gold and black marble pen, nib, ink, dozens of practice sheets and a detailed workbook. You will also be able to watch our 2 hour video lesson too. The surprise boxes come through your door each month and will take you on a journey of learning and improving your calligraphy. You will also be learning alongside other budding calligraphers and getting feedback and encouragement within a private Facebook Group too. Combined with the free resources on the Instagram and blog, you have all you need to deep dive into the wonderful world of calligraphy.  

So, there you have it! My TOP five reasons why calligraphy is the perfect hobby for you, it’s incredibly relaxing, very useful, challenging, a money maker and it won’t break the bank. So let’s get started!  

Click here to grab your first box and start learning this beautiful art form.  Do you want to read some reviews about The Calligraphy Box first? Check them out here

5 reasons to fall in love with calligraphy, blog by Jenni Liandu

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  1. Janice Lorraine Gregory-Waters says:

    My box came a while ago but I haven’t had the time to open and concentrate on it. Today I am enjoying some me time and decided that it would be a nice idea to read the blog and make a start on my Calligraphy journey. I joined the Calligraphy box to learn how to write calligraphy correctly as i would like to help my son and daughter in law when they start to send their invites to their wedding out.

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